Wednesday in Kent.
A big excitement filled the room, Woo wanted to see a real castle and this was about to become real. Cat wanted to go to a church where windows were crafted by Chagal. Cat's friend Gael the Womble had told her it was a must. Narna called her father Bob Knower of Things and Obscure Meanings and asked for his assistance with the day. SatNav's were organised and the convoy set off. The weather in the Weald had again proved itself to be kind and merciful. A soft sun and a brisk breeze kept the travellers comfy and ready to search and explore.
First stop was the Church - All Saints at Tudley (pronounced Two-dlee)..While Tudley had been occupied well before the Romans the Church had come into during the last years of King Edward the confessor. This dates the site back to 1066
Marc Chagal was commissioned to create a stained glass window to commorate the 1963 death of Sarah Goldsmid.
The blend of Ancient and Modern in the Church held the trio in awe.
Princess Sia wrote in the visitors book, and they all left, hurridley.
The Weald of Kent was famous for its hops and Oast Barns were everywhere. Fortunately Panda took lots of photos as Cat managed to wipe hers from her camera - modern camera's far to many buttons.
Hever Castle
The home of Anne Bolyn, a magnificent castle with two moats and a a fragrant rose garden that enveloped the senses.
The Castle was all that Woo had hoped the 13th century set in magnificent grounds.
It was at the castle that Woo was embarrassed by a small frightened boy asking his father, in the rich plummy tones of the very British UC, "Where are those people from Father?" "Don't be afraid Tristan they are from Australia".
Not only had the trio acquired accents but apparently they had descended on Hever Castle like a flock of screaming galahs.
That was another thing thought Cat about having acquired an accent, I am finding it very difficult to understand what people are saying.
Panda spent the day chatting to Bob the Knower of Things and was beginning to blend in and look much like a badger.
Apart from the incident involving the purchasing of postcards it was a perfect day.
Cat had decided to purchase a postcard and lined up politely behind a woman involved in the simple task of purchasing a season ticket. The woman began to make the simple task extremely complicated and involved questioning the rather large bored teenager in the booth about all possible permutations
"If my husband doesn't come can I still use .....blah blah blah."
Woo watched in trepidation as she saw Cat, her ears flattening and foot tapping. All the signs were there of a Cat about to explode and rip the booth to shreds.
She whispered as quietly as a an Australian can "DO WE REALLY NEED THESE POSTCARDS?"
Cat placed the postcard on the booth's ledge and with a dark and threatening look towards the oblivious teenager who remained totally disengaged from everyone including the thick woman buying the season ticket.
Cat began a cruel mocking imitation of the woman and Woo listened amused and relieved to have distracted Cat.
A meal of Fish and Chips. Cod and chips with curry sauce and peas. A very English meal.
Keep the instalments coming! Really enjoying hearing of your exciting adventures. Hope that your accent soon changes so that you can be easily understood.