Thursday, November 17, 2011

Being very brave.

One of the assignments we were asked to complete for a workshop was to provide a poem or a different way of describing workplace relationships. I had determined in the workshop that one of my personal aims was to be brave. This is the first and so far the only poem I have ever read before an audience.

I was rewarded by someone actually asking for a copy of the poem.

Workshop  for one.

I am
The centre of my universe
I am
More, so much more.

I am
the mortar that holds
a household.

Mother, lover, sister, friend
teacher, mentor,

More so much more.

I am
A small wee child
with monsters ‘neath my bed.
Good girl well mannered
eating all my veggies ,

Obedient submissive
Rarely seen or heard.
Standing straight

And tall, tall, tall.

I am
all this and more so much, more, more, more.

I am
a worker sitting at my desk
writing ,creating, planning
all at your request.

I sit in silence waiting
for my universe to extinguish
my mortar turn to sand.
Monsters creep and stand
pouncing on my errors

I am small, small, small.

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