Now the world would be none the wiser. Her silence had caused the world to pause and digest her insights for an entire year.
It was curious Cat thought that no one had actually called and remind her to keep them up to date.
Sandy Bottoms had remained loyal, but she had her own mahi mahi to fry.
Her blog was surprisingly regular.
The past year had been a time of reflection. Mostly Cat looking at herself in the mirror and asking the question over and over again, "Why, why, why?" and receiving no answer that made sense. Despite much exercise and the regimen of several diets she remained rotund, Rubenesque. She was a big cat without a diary.
A return to blogging was now a priority another big trip was on the horizon. Panda has squeezed the last drop of blood out of yet another travel agent and had plans for another trip to China. This time a smaller group had volunteered to travel with them, Goo-mi the Monkey, Gloriana, a lorikeet with the heart of a sulphur crested cockatoo, Pauline the Possum, Panda and Cat, an oriental version of the famous five.
19 Days and 32 catnaps to go.
Lashings of soy sauce ahead for the oriental famous five then?