Sootie, a rather handsome, yet neglected black Pomeranian tippy toed along side her. Actually he was only game enough to walk up to her shoulder, going pass the Copper was not a wise move.
"How so?" asked Sootie. He had long given up trying to understand the Feeders, once his status had sunk to second after the Copper he had no stomach for it. He could admit it - he was whipped. he knew his place.
Copper was rather proud and vain. She knew she was a damned good looking Dachshund. . The runt of the litter had grown into a sturdy uber frau.
She began her lecture, "Take this morning for example, there I was, inside and I find that my Feeder is up and getting ready to leave. Usually I have to wake her up, knock on her door until she arrives, bleary eyed and stumbling out of her den. She usually gives me a greeting and scratches my head because I am so beautiful. I like this Feeder, she often forgets and can feed me twice in one morning".
Fabulous Darling |
"What did you say" demanded Copper, "I can hear you sniggering".
Sootie coughed "I was saying what a fabu larse day we are having my Princess".
Copper sneered at Sootie as he pulled up almost level with her face.
She turned slightly looking down her long and regal nose at him and said, "You do know you are adopted".
Later that afternoon, Sootie stretched out on his bed in the shade of the house. A lovely cool breeze tickled his fur. He slept deeply. As he went deeper into dream land he could hear the pounding of feet, the inner wolf was coming up out of his subconcious to speak with him again. He wimpered, he did not like the inner wolf, he was meaner than Princess Copper.
"Vat do you tink you are doing little cowardly custard of a dog, Where are your balls? Oh I forgot you left them with the Vet. Vat is rong wid you you snivelling punk dog, she is just a little daccsy for goodness sake look at her. I tell you you have to assert your authority and reclaim you place as Uber Dog . You de Alpha. She the bitch. Soon as she sleeps you call on me and we rrrrip her troat out".
"No, No, Wolfie, no", whimpered Sootie.
Copper looked up from her bed and over to Sootie who was laying on his side, his legs running in his sleep, his throat making curious groaning sounds.
"Hmmm, chasing cats again", thought Copper as she lay back in her day bed, her long body draped across the green mesh.
As she dozed back to sleep she thought, "Soots was right, it is a fabulous day".
She lay on her back and hung her head back, her throat exposed.
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