Sunday, July 25, 2010

Preparations and distant drums

The Cat has reprised her walking regime and begins each morning of the weekend contemplating the cold outside. On this particular morning Cat stretched and sighed and crawled out from beneath her covers. She shivered as she turned her electric blanket off and quickly put on her walking clothes. There was no movement from the Panda.

Coffee and eggs for breakfast, a quick brush of the fangs and she was out the door. As arranged  Cat had rung the Woo on both her home phone and her mobile.
"Call me when you leave and I will join you on your walk", she had instructed Cat the day before. Both phone calls rang out - no answer.

The walk to  Woo's house was an easy path until the hill that had to be climbed  With determination the cat wheezed up the hill convinced that  the reward would be a fitter Cat on the trip to the Old Dart.

Finally Cat opened the door to  Woo's small cabin. The cozy nest was home to the Woo's three juvenile possums (Benbo, Samwise and Tay). Sometimes  Dr Si who was the Woo's snuggle would also sleep over.

The Cat spoke nicely to Axel the house guard and asked permission to enter. Axel gave a ruff reply and Cat entered the cabin.  She padded down the hallway and entered Woo's nest.

There on her bed  curled up in her doona lay the Woo with her owly pj's and a sad look on her face.
"I cannot go walking with you today Cat. I have been attacked by bubbles and my head hurts".
"Oh dear" said Cat as she curled up on the bed and patted Woo gently. "Can I get you a cup of tea?"
"No thank you" moaned the Woo.
"Hmmmm, it must be a very bad attack of the bubbles if you don't want a cup of tea. Perhaps you will feel better if I make you some breakfast. Would you like some sardines on toast" said Cat brightly.
"Not so loud please" moaned Woo" the bubbles have swollen my brain and it is thumping on my skull like a big drum."
Woo whispered "I need a drink of water." Cat watched as Woo weakly sipped from her water bottle. With Cat's full store of sympathy now used up she was ready to leave.
"Where is Dr Si ?"she asked.
"He has gone to get me some willow bark for my drum head,"whimpered Woo.
"Well I am off "said Cat springing from the bed. "Perhaps you should stay and sleep today and let the bubbles settle".  The covers on the bed snored.

Cat walked outside and said goodbye to Axel who would have loved to come for a walk but was still on guard. The day was bright but chilly and Cat was mighty pleased she had grabbed a warm scarf before she left home. After some time (not that far really) the Springwood Coffee Club beckoned Cat to come and have a cuppa. When she entered the establishment she saw that Dr Si was finishing off a latte and reading the paper. Cat went over and sat down. A flat white coffee was ordered. Dr Si and Cat talked about politics and the state of the world. Eventually Cat asked, "How's the hunt for willow bark going?
Dr Si smiled "I found some earlier at the apothecary's once I have finished my coffee and the paper I will take it home to the Woo"?
"She seems quite felled by the bubbles this time. Perhaps she needs to rethink her plan of attack for next time. Take on smaller numbers, one on one, rather than two at a time" murmured Cat.
"It is a big battle," sighed the Dr. "Yet the Woo is the only one keen to take them on?" mused Dr Si who liked to cogitate and analyse such things deeply. Cat felt her limbs begin to stiffen and knew it was time to start walking again. She offered to pay and was refused by a wave of the Dr's hand.
"Thanks for the coffee" she said and began her walk home.

The sun was now shining weakly and not quite warm enough for Cat to take off her scarf. The breeze cut lazily through her jacket and Cat wondered how cold September would be in Kent.

Cat passed the Woo's cabin and thought she heard a sad and mournful moan followed by a low distant drumming.
"Poor Woo. Bubbles are bad" reflected Cat.

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